Sunday, May 07, 2006

Topic #1--Indulgence

Indulgence. When I contemplate this word, I think about special privileges that bring me much joy--and often times they are so simple--a rich and creamy piece of a Hershey's chocolate bar, a warm bath with candles and soft music, art time alone in my studio, a good glass of wine, watching a sunset..... I was surprised to find that the actual dictionary definition has so many negative connotations--probably somewhat antiquated. Regardless, let this topic be your prompt in creating an art journal entry about what indulgence means to you. Have fun, enjoy--indulge! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

in·dul·gence (ĭn-dŭl'jəns) 
1 a. The act or an instance of indulging; gratification: indulgence of every whim.
b. The state of being indulgent.
2 a. The act of indulging in something: indulgence in irresponsible behavior.
b. Something indulged in: Sports cars are an expensive indulgence.
3 Liberal or lenient treatment; tolerance: treated their grandchildren with fond indulgence.
4 Self-indulgence: a life of wealth and indulgence.
5 a. Something granted as a favor or privilege.
b. Permission to extend the time of payment or performance.
c. Patient attention: I beg your indulgence for just a few minutes.