Topic #30--"Window" Entry

From Tricia!:
Beloved Home
It all started with a $2 framed canvas bought at a yard sale years ago. It had a painting of a flower, a red bird and a branch on a table. While I liked the painting my husband really did not. So over time it ended up in the laundry room - A room he is not in very much ;)
I discovered the frame was the right shape for an empty spot in our hallway so I decided to gesso over the red bird and create a new piece. I used golden fluid acrylics, oil pastels and the leaves are cut from scrapbooking papers, old wallpaper scraps and sheet music. The metal piece at the bottom is from an old cabinet. The door knob is an old button with thread. The bird a copied image from a book.
I got going at around 10 or so last night and finished up at 2:30 this morning, totally flabbergasted that so much time had gone by. What a weird, incredible feeling! There were times in there that I thought I would chuck the whole thing right out the front door but I am glad I stuck with it and relaxed and went with the mistakes and worked with them til they led to something good. I am realizing how important it is to trust and let go.
I really like using parts of photos in the collages. (the window and the nest) This is fairly new for me and I can see doing more of this. I feel inspired to go through old stacks of photos and to go out and take new ones. Doors and windows mainly and maybe lonely, bare trees. I haven't felt driven in that direction for a while. Time to blow the dust from the 35 mm. I am much more comfortable with that than my husband's digital.
The Artwords Topics have stirred something in me I am grateful for. Last night I probably would have curled up with a book and a heating pad, My tummy was killing me, except that I wanted to create a piece to have something to post for the week. For days I have been thinking --windows, windows, windows...I started playing with paints and forgot all about the tummy ache! How fantastic! Art is such wonderful therapy.