Topic #40--"Heart" Entry

From Brandie!:
"What is in our hearts? I hold much of my life experiences and the people who shared them deep within my heart. But my girls are the ones who are deepest within me, they are the ones who are able to move me most... they have and continue to change my life. They are the ones with whom I am reflected in...
This piece is about what happens to your heart when you have a child. The transformation that occurs in most women. You have this selfless awareness that it is no longer all about you...
She didn't just transform in childbirth, she changes with every experience and decision regarding her daughter. She is a strong mother... her presence in this picture seems so incredibly nurturing to me. She will shelter and protect this little girl no matter what it takes. It is not only selflessness that has occurred in her heart. Her whole outlook on life has changed. She has different views on politics, religion, education, society... her views on life and the many variables that effect it will ultimately help to shape who this little person is to become...
This piece was created on Arches 140 lb watercolor paper. In addition to copied images I used Golden fluid acrylic paints, gesso, white charcoal, graphite, and vintage papers."