Sunday, May 27, 2007
7 commentsSunday, May 20, 2007
Topic #54-Bustle
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Topic #53--Figure
"Seated Figures on a Sofa"Ann Marie Wakely
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Topic #52--Eyes
I wanted to share with all of you some recent news--my book proposal that I have been working on for the past year has been accepted for publication by North Light Books! I am so excited to embark on this project, which will involve both my art and the art of contributing artists. I have two little kids and my family comes first, so to make this project fly, I need to make some adjustments in my life. I want Artwords to continue, so have found a creative way to do so. Plus, Artwords may even be tied into the book!
Since I will not have time to post people's individual entries, things will run a bit differently. I found this great "guestbook" feature at which each of you can use to upload your entry photo to the Artwords blog. Just click on the "sign this guestbook" button of this slide show, fill in your name, location, title of your entry, and upload your photo. Don't forget to leave a comment in the Blogger comment section, with a direct link to your entry post. I will include a new slide show for each new topic. This is the best I could do for now, and I hope you all will be agreeable. Let's keep Artwords going!!
On that note, this week's topic is: TOPIC #52 "Eyes"
This piece is entitled "Eyes" by Susan Norris
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Patrick!:
"i honestly almost didnt do this one.
i couldnt think of anything to do, until i was outside earlier watering my moms plants...
i really dislike the yardwork but due to my current situation i really cant complain. well i could but not in good faith.
the thing is, and this post kinda illustrates the point of the 52 fridays project. i started it for a few reasons, on of which was to see how much my life would change over the course of a year, week by week. and a year ago i would have never thought id be where i am today, not that its a bad place, there are far worse, but unexpected.
so here i am looking for employment and watering plants."
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Wendy!:
"I love everything about botanicals and I love the vintage aspect of the word.
For this piece I've used tea stained paper on card stock. I've applied an image from an old book and added words of my own composition. The hand made paper pieces are from a collection I made a number of years ago. They have dried herbs and flowers from my own garden added. I just made the shipping tags with some herb seeds I had leftover.
And the words, in case you hadn't realized, are really about this:
"the most difficult part
standing back
watching her grow"
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry
From Amanda!
Lost (in the Garden of Eden)
"The title for my entry this week comes from the fact that the original photo which is the basis of this work was taken in a place called Eden, on the south-east coast of Australia, close to the border of New South Wales and Victoria. Eden is an old whaling town on a rugged but beautiful area of coastline, and it really stays in my mind as a highlight of that trip.
We stumbled onto the town, having not heard of it before but some time later saw a special on ABC TV entitled "Killers in Eden". The following is an excerpt from the cover of the DVD.
"On the southeast coast of Australia, the town of Eden nestles along the shores of Twofold Bay. It was once a center of Australia's thriving whaling industry, in part because it lies along the migration path of baleen whales swimming northward from the Antarctic. But residents say Eden's whalers got some unusual help -- from orcas, or killer whales, that patrolled offshore.
Locals such as Elsie Severs and Alice Otten who witnessed the hunts say the orcas took the lead in the hunt, herding larger migrating whales into the bay. Once the whales were confined in the bay, the orcas would then attack their quarry to the point of exhaustion. Human whalers moved in for the final kill -- then shared the spoils with the orcas."
That story is really just a bit of scene-setting as my image obviously has nothing to do with whales. I stumbled across this bushy area by a lookout and had to stop and take some photos. The tangle of tree trunks, gnarled by the salty winds had created a natural grotto. I worked on the image in Photoshop, mostly using the adjustment layers and the lighting effects to create this work."
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Kathleen!:
"I did this early in the week, but wanted to work on it more since I'm not satisfied, but I'm afraid I have spent my time doing other things (!) :-)
So here it is anyway. Maybe I'll do more work on it still, but it's shaping up to be another busy weekend, so maybe not now :-( I drew the initial sketch from this photo I took maybe two weeks ago, on my walk to the train.
These watercolors (from Marabu) are quite thick, and can go on really heavy if you don't use a lot of water, but with this thin sketchbook paper a lot of water is not good. I got paid this week, so went out and bought a watercolor block, some Pitt artist pens (finally) and some Verithin colored pencils. Armed and ready! (and dangerous?)"

Friday, May 04, 2007
3 commentsTopic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Lolly!
"this is my end result; in yet another dimension, my gardens are filled with purely edible plants, stuff that would make Mr Wonka's factory look peely-wally in comparison. This one is the lolly-pop plant - they taste of mango and passionfruit, with a soft, juicy, chewy centre, and a thin, satisfyingly crackly surface... the best thing is that they are really good for you, no cavities, weight gain or anything! What other plants grow there? Well, there's soup bowl flowers (all flavours), sticky toffee pudding bananas, and cheesy baked potato bushes... and many more, I haven't had time to explore them all!"
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Sue!:
"This is a piece I did awhile ago. I was working on a project in my studio and I was distracted with this fabric. Before I really knew it, I put aside the project I was working on and walla...this fabric collage appeared. I usually don't tittle my pieces. That is actually a challenge for me. Not with this one! As I was working on it I "heard" are never alone. It may appear that you are alone. You may feel that you are alone but are never alone. "
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Mary Ann!:
"it’s a snap that i digitally altered. after work today, i did not go straight home. i found myself driving toward the local public gardens. there’s roughly a month left of school & so many meetings & paperwork to get through. so as a treat to myself, i headed over to the gardens to unwind * de-stress* before going home. i always like to go there to get a quick pick-me-up.
spring came sort of late this year as the gardens seemed to be still in the process of “awakening”. i noticed there were many bare spots & trees still yet to bud as i meandered down the brick pathways. however, the tulips were in full bloom, actually past their peak. i still, though, thoroughly enjoyed their cheerful presence. it won’t be too long until the gardens will “fill out” and burst forth with all sorts of enchantments & wondrous beauty.
fortunately, the sun was still shining and the wind, breezy. i found great comfort in my little excusion through the gardens. it gave me a chance to quiet my mind, which earlier had been bombarded with thoughts of work & personal commitments, & to slow down. it was lovely to just be. & to appreciate all that was around me. after about an hour or so, i was ready to go home.
i had entered the gardens rather tense and tired. but when i left there, i felt a sense of calm and serenity. all was good again in my world. that little botanical detour where i tiptoed through the tulips was just exactly what i needed. taking time to slow down really does a world a good. try it next time you feel out of sorts. "
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
2 comments 3 commentsTopic #51--"Botanical" Entry

A warm welcome to Debbi B.! Her entry!:
"This is a stamped card that I painted with those delicious little pots of Radiant Pearls. This is my first go at participating in Artwords and although I didn't make this card especially for this topic prompt, my plan is to use the theme each week to try something different in future - or at least some weeks!"
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Julie!:
"To make the flowers, I used 24 gauge wire with fluorite, glass and sterling silver beads. Assembly is easy. Cut varying circles out of varying papers. I used tissue, vintage history about Genghis Khan and shimmery water color paper I made using Ph Martin paints. Oh, the best part? Look closely, I worked in my favorite stamps from justjohanna rubber stamps too!"