Topic #51--"Botanical" Entry

From Kathleen!:
"I did this early in the week, but wanted to work on it more since I'm not satisfied, but I'm afraid I have spent my time doing other things (!) :-)
So here it is anyway. Maybe I'll do more work on it still, but it's shaping up to be another busy weekend, so maybe not now :-( I drew the initial sketch from this photo I took maybe two weeks ago, on my walk to the train.
These watercolors (from Marabu) are quite thick, and can go on really heavy if you don't use a lot of water, but with this thin sketchbook paper a lot of water is not good. I got paid this week, so went out and bought a watercolor block, some Pitt artist pens (finally) and some Verithin colored pencils. Armed and ready! (and dangerous?)"